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Here's a simple and attractive audio player using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with awesome icons and colors: ```html Audio Player
0:00 0:00
``` This audio player has the following features: 1. **Attractive Design**: The player is styled with a modern and clean design, using a dark theme with a touch of green for the buttons. 2. **Responsive Layout**: The player is centered on the page and adjusts to different screen sizes. 3. **Audio Controls**: The player has buttons for playing/pausing, skipping to the previous and next tracks. 4. **Audio Timeline**: The player displays the current time and total duration of the audio, and allows the user to scrub through the timeline. 5. **Font Awesome Icons**: The player uses Font Awesome icons for the buttons, giving it a more professional and polished look. 6. **JavaScript Functionality**: The JavaScript code handles loading the audio files, playing/pausing the audio, updating the timeline, and transitioning between tracks. To use this audio player, simply add your audio files to the `audioFiles` array and the player will automatically load and play them. You can customize the colors, fonts, and other styles to match your desired branding or design.

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