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Timeline News

Here's a timeline news layout using HTML, CSS, and some awesome icons and colors: ```html Timeline News

Breaking News

A major earthquake hits the West Coast, causing widespread damage and power outages.

Business Update

Tech giant announces record-breaking quarterly earnings, sending stock prices soaring.

Community Event

Local charity hosts a food drive to support families in need during the holiday season.

Education News

University unveils new research lab focused on sustainable energy solutions.

``` This code creates a simple timeline news layout with alternating left and right-aligned items. Each item has a corresponding icon and a colorful title. The timeline items have a clean, modern design with a white background and box shadow. The overall layout is centered on the page and uses the `f4f4f4` background color to create a subtle contrast. You can customize the colors, icons, and content to fit your specific needs. The timeline can be easily expanded by adding more `timeline-item` elements within the `.timeline` container.

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