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Audio player

Sure! Below is a simple modern audio player created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It includes some awesome icons and vibrant colors to make it visually appealing. The player features play, pause, and progress functionalities. ### HTML ```html Modern Audio Player
``` ### CSS (styles.css) ```css ``` ### JavaScript (script.js) ```javascript ### Explanation 1. **HTML**: Sets up the structure of the audio player with an `audio` element, a button for play/pause, and a progress bar. 2. **CSS**: Styles the audio player with a modern look, including colors and hover effects for the play/pause button. 3. **JavaScript**: Handles the play/pause functionality, updates the progress bar as the audio plays, and allows seeking by clicking on the progress bar. Replace `"your-audio-file.mp3"` with the path to your actual audio file. This player uses Font Awesome for icons, which is included via a CDN. You can customize the colors and styles as needed to fit your design preferences.

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