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Audio player

Sure, here's an example of a simple audio player created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with some awesome icons and colors: ```html Audio Player
0:00 / 0:00
``` This code creates a simple audio player with the following features: 1. **HTML Structure**: The HTML structure includes an audio element, buttons for play/pause, previous, and next, and a time display. 2. **CSS Styling**: The CSS styles the audio player with a modern and clean design, including rounded corners, box shadows, and custom button styles. 3. **JavaScript Functionality**: The JavaScript code handles the play/pause, previous, and next button functionality, as well as updating the current time and duration display. 4. **Font Awesome Icons**: The code uses Font Awesome icons for the buttons, providing a professional and polished look. 5. **Color Scheme**: The color scheme uses a nice green color for the buttons, which complements the white and gray background colors. You can customize the styles, icons, and colors to fit your specific needs. Additionally, you can add more features such as a progress bar, volume control, and playlist functionality.

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