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News timeline

Here is a timeline news-style layout using HTML, CSS, and awesome icons and colors: ```html Timeline News

Breaking News

A major earthquake hits the West Coast, causing widespread damage and disruptions.

Tech Update

A new AI assistant is unveiled, promising to revolutionize the way we interact with technology.

Sports Highlights

The local team wins the championship, sending fans into a frenzy.

Business News

A major company announces plans to expand its operations, creating thousands of new jobs.

``` This code creates a timeline-style layout with alternating left and right-aligned items. Each item has a colorful content box with an icon representing the type of news. The timeline is centered on the page and uses the `::after` pseudo-element to create the vertical line connecting the items. The CSS includes styles for the overall layout, the timeline items, the content boxes, and the icons. The icons are imported from the Font Awesome library, which provides a wide range of high-quality icons. You can customize the colors, icons, and content to fit your specific needs. The layout is responsive and should adapt to different screen sizes.

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