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Audio player

Creating a nice audio player similar to WhatsApp's using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be a fun project. Here's a basic implementation: 1. **HTML**: Structure of the audio player. 2. **CSS**: Styling for the player. 3. **JavaScript**: Functionality for play, pause, and updating the progress bar. ### HTML ```html Custom Audio Player
``` ### CSS ```css ### JavaScript ```javascript ### Explanation 1. **HTML**: - `div.audio-player`: The main container for the audio player. - `button#play-pause`: Button to toggle play/pause state. - `input#progress-bar`: Range input to display and control the progress. - `audio#audio`: The actual audio element to play the sound. 2. **CSS**: - Styles for the audio player container to make it look nice. - Styling for the play/pause button and progress bar. 3. **JavaScript**: - Event listener for the play/pause button to toggle audio playback. - Update the play/pause icon based on the audio state. - Update the progress bar as the audio plays. - Seek functionality to allow jumping to different parts of the audio by clicking on the progress bar. Replace `"your-audio-file.mp3"` with the path to your actual audio file. This setup uses Font Awesome for the play and pause icons; ensure you have an internet connection to load the Font Awesome kit, or you can download and serve it locally.

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