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Audio player

Creating a sleek audio player with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be an enjoyable project. Below is a simple but attractive audio player design. This example uses Font Awesome for icons, so make sure you include their CDN in your HTML. ### HTML ```html Custom Audio Player
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``` ### CSS (styles.css) ```css ``` ### JavaScript (script.js) ```javascript ### Explanation: 1. **HTML Structure**: - Includes an audio element, buttons for play/pause and mute/unmute, a progress bar, and volume control. - Font Awesome icons are used for the buttons. 2. **CSS Styling**: - Provides a dark theme with a vibrant progress bar and volume thumb. - Uses flexbox to align elements neatly. 3. **JavaScript Functionality**: - `togglePlayPause` handles play/pause functionality. - `updateProgress` updates the progress bar and time displays. - `setProgress` allows clicking on the progress bar to seek. - `toggleMute` handles muting/unmuting. - `changeVolume` adjusts the volume based on the slider. Replace `"your-audio-file.mp3"` with the path to your audio file, and you will have a fully functional, visually appealing audio player.

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