The Tokyo metropolitan government on Friday reported 16,538 new coronavirus cases, up 1,093 from Thursday and up 6,839 from last Friday.
By age group, 3,946 cases were in their 20s, 3,407 in their 30s, 2,886 in their 40s and 1,654 in their 50s, while 1,925 were aged between 10 and 19, and 2,165 younger than 10.
The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo is 20, up two from Thursday, health officials said. The nationwide figure was 697, up 160 from Thursday.
Other prefectures reporting high numbers were Hokkaido (2,775), Hiroshima (1,599), Okinawa (1073 plus a further 135 cases among U.S. military personnel), Gunma (1,015), Shiga (978), Gifu (886), Okayama (845), Mie (671), Kagoshima (632), Nagano (586), Nagasaki (575), Niigata (549), Miyazaki (410), Oita (393), Fukushima (387), Ishikawa (362), Kagawa (342), Ehime (325), Yamagata (230), Toyama (216), Fukui (213), Tottori (196), Kochi (174), Tokushima (160),
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